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Our Founder -Bro. Paulus Moritz

Bro. Paulus Moritz

Founder Bro. Paulus Moritz

In 1895 Heymann Herman Moritz (popularly known as Bro. Paulus Moritz) left Germany and travelled towards India, where he began his Pioneering Missionary Evangelization movement and later in 1901 established the International “Society of the Congregation of Franciscan Missionary Brothers” (CMSF) in Mt. Poinsur, Mumbai. His purpose was to continue the Mission of Jesus for the poor and marginalized of India in a practical yet pioneering process of developing love of God, a process delineated in the Scriptures.

Bro. Paulus dynamic approach of pioneering evangelization of Jesus’ consciousness as a spiritual alternative to a society stripped of spiritual values of St. Francis of Assisi attracted the youth of India. Bro. Paulus teachings and his life demonstrate that the message of Jesus and St. Francis life is by no means outdated but is completely relevant to every person in every place, especially in the modern age. His love towards the nature, the poor and marginalized made him a real missionary Brother to all.

Bro. Paulus was legitimately positive about the guiding grace of St. Francis in his search of excellence in pioneering evangelization. He did things differently and tirelessly for the welfare of the Brothers and the Mission.

He had an immense trust in God, which we could find out from his own words: “As long as we look after the poor God will look after us!” For Paulus education was not merely development of one’s own talents and structures. It goes beyond, to touch others’ lives and has social dimensions. This was achieved by “Reaching out” and “Empowering” others who are less privileged and in the margins and thus the Head Quarter of St. Francis group of Institutions in Mumbai, Borivali Catering to more than 15000 students, and a K. G. to Doctoral Level Educational Campus.